AMZ Whisperer

How to write an Amazon listing

How to Write Amazon Product Listings That Will Rank High in Search & Get More Sales in 2023

How to write an Amazon listing

In this post, we’ll teach you how to write Amazon product listings that will rank high in search and get more sales in 2023 

Amazon is one of the biggest and most visited eCommerce sites in the world.

It crushed Walmart and other retailers by a huge amount since the covid19 pandemic and it’s not stopping anytime soon.

Listing your product correctly is a very important foundation you must do.

The keywords you’ll use will greatly affect your rankings.

They’ll also affect how Amazon gets to know your product. For example, if you want to run PPC campaigns and didn’t put much keywords in your listing then Amazon might show your product to irrelevant sellers product listings.

And, how you’ll describe & position your product will dictate if the customers will buy or not.

There are definitely more benefits but to get you started read on the steps below on how to setup your product listing to make money on Amazon.

The very first thing you need to do is Keywords research. If you have a tool like Helium10 or Jungle Scout then you can do this very quickly and effectively.

In this post, we’ll teach you how to write Amazon product listings that will rank high in search and get more sales in 2023

Amazon is one of the biggest and most visited eCommerce sites in the world.

It crushed Walmart and other retailers by a huge amount since the covid19 pandemic and it’s not stopping anytime soon.

Listing your product correctly is a very important foundation you must do.

The keywords you’ll use will greatly affect your rankings.

If you don’t have the tools you can get this using the free methods below.

1. Amazon Suggested Keywords

How to write an Amazon listing

The suggested keywords in the search engine. See what keywords come up when you type a few words about your product.

These are high-performing keywords that you can use in the title of your product.

2. Amazon Competitor Titles

How to write an Amazon listing

You can simply spy on your competitors and see what the common keywords are and use them.


How to write an Amazon listing

This is an easy and FREE tool you can use to start. 


4. Misspelling tools

How to write an Amazon listing

This tool from seobook can give you all possible misspellings of keywords related to your product.

You can put this in the backend side of your listings such as the search terms.

5. Use a mode in-depth tool such as Helium10 or Jungle Scout

How to write an Amazon listing

See our Helium10 keyword research tutorial on how to find what keywords your top competitors are using that are making them a lot of money on Amazon.

After collecting the data. organize and prepare in an excel or google sheet you can easily refer to.

You will do a lot of testing and tweaking so ensure you have enough data and an organized sheet to work and note on.

The ultimate goal in Optimizing the product listing is to convert visits to actual sales by incorporating as many as possible best keywords to your title, bullets, description, and backend of your listings to help your product to be on top of Amazon’s search engine.

We hope we answered your questions on how to write Amazon product listings that sell and rank high on search results.

Good luck on your Amazon selling journey!


How to write an Amazon listing

Amazon’s requirements are 200 characters allowed, avoid quotations, ampersands, parentheses, etc.

These are the best keywords relevant to the product and have the highest search volume.

Amazon puts a lot of weight into titles so make sure your title counts) 

When constructing the title, always remember to: 

  • Focus on the best keywords without forgetting to still describe your product accurately.
  • If there’s a size, color, target customer etc. you need to put it in your title.
  • And ideally put it in the first 100 characters as it gets cut in mobile view.

Descriptive words are valuable to help sell the product but use them sparingly if they aren’t keywords.

Bullet Points

How to write an Amazon listing

Put a bullet title then a short description. The bullet title should be the benefit of the product and include important keywords as well.

You can find bullet title inspiration from the top keywords in the reviews section.

Each bullet should make a clear point and not be too long and flowery.

Put a guarantee section in your bullet or a what’s in the box section.


How to write an Amazon listing

This is the synopsis of the bullets and a summary of all the benefits and features of the product.

It’s followed by a list of the materials, colors, and items included in the package.  A reader should be able to just read this section and know enough about the product to make an informed decision. On a mobile, this is the first thing a customer sees. 

Often, a person won’t even bother reading the bullets, so write this section so that a person can extrapolate all the pertinent information necessary to cement a purchase – it has to be persuasive. The maximum character limit is 2000, so, the great product description should be somewhere around 1500 – 2000 characters. NO MORE. In Short, this is also where you put any information you weren’t able to fit into the bullets. 

Listing optimization is a key factor in increasing Amazon product sales. Competition on Amazon is fierce, so it’s all the more important to optimize your listings.

In this blog, we have covered some of the most important aspects of product listing optimization. 

We hope you enjoyed the article. Please note that the Amazon Seller Central program is constantly changing, and so are the tactics used to optimize your product listings.

To get the most up-to-date information and help from us, please contact us anytime. We are always happy to offer any help or assistance we can!

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